The overall aim of EXPECT_Art EXPloring and Educating Cultural literacy Through Art is to identify current barriers and potentials for promoting critical cultural literacy by means of arts education, education through arts and uses of arts in education within and across different educational contexts in Europe, to generate and activate knowledge on how to enhance critical cultural literacy and understanding among European citizens.

EXPECT_Art utilizes an approach to cultural literacy that is informed by critical pedagogy and decolonial theory. This is operationalized by a community-based research design, including art-based methodologies, involving children, teachers and citizens directly as research participants.

Partners about the Project

Research Design


Researcher Art Exploratorium
Expectart project Research activities 1


community-based art exploratoriums in schools
Expectart project Research activities 2


community-based art exploratoriums in local communities
Expectart project - Research activities 3


Cultural Literacy Hubs

Project partners

The project will be implemented through field research in 12 schools and local communities in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and Spain, and involves research institutions and cultural and creative industry partners in each country.

Countries within EXPECT_Art project


Latest News

Expectart project Research activities 2

Stepping into year two with creativity and collaboration – newsletter #4

We are excited to share the fourth issue of the EXPECT_Art newsletter, marking the beginning of the project’s second year with stories of collaboration, creativity, ...
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Art education and participatory research

In our project, we are diving deep into the intersection of art education and participatory research. Currently, the German team from RPTU and Kinemathek Karlsruhe ...
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EXPECT_Art and Pedagogy of Hope

We are pleased to have been offered an opportunity to present our project at the annual conference in Nordic Educational Research Association. The conference was ...
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